Majid Hosseini
1The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Majid Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron, Ohio, United States. He has also completed his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. His research interests, expertise and experiences are very diverse, ranging from biofuels and renewable energy to industrial biotechnology, bioprocess engineering and developement, sustainability, bio/nanotechnology, intelligent polymers and coatings, micro/encapsulation and nanoparticles for biomedical applications. He has been actively engaged in various fields of biofuels & bioenergy, sustainability, polymers, bio/nanotechnology, and related technology development both in industry and academia. He has served as a Key Speaker at multiple national and international conferences and meetings. He is the Editor of a book published by Springer in 2016 entitled “Industrial Applications for Intelligent Polymers and Coatings”, which is a comprehensive collaboration on intelligent polymers and coatings for industrial applications by worldwide researchers and specialists. Currently, he serves as the Editor of a handbook scheduled for publication by Elsevier in May 2017. He is a persistent reviewer of numerous leading international journals, has published high caliber research articles and book chapters and co-invented US and international patent application technologies. He has been a Member of several professional bodies in the USA including: The New York Academy of Sciences, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), AICHE-Institute for Sustainability, AICHE-SBE (Society of Biological Engineering), Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS), International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), AICHE-Sustainable Engineering Forum, AICHE-Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Abstract : Technical challenges of fermentative bio-hydrogen production from biomass