M. Ali Mandegari
University of Stellenbosch
South Africa
At present Dr. Mandegari is a postdoctoral fellow in the process engineering department at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. His Current research work is to develop biorefinery simulations annexed to an existing sugar mill in South Africa and these include a baseline bioethanol plant as well as the production of biobutanol, lactic acid, furfural, syn-crude, methanol and electricity. In addition to my thesis, He conducted and cooperated in eight research projects, seven of which have been finished. The results of his research are summarized by six ISI published papers, three ISI papers and one book chapter in preparation and twenty two presented conference papers. Also,he supervised undergraduate students in their major research projects, under the direction of the course instructor and he was advisor and consulting advisor of four MSc thesis of chemical engineering. Apart from his research and teaching activities, he have more than 8 years industrial experience in the petroleum, gas and petrochemical plants as R&D manager, Project engineer, Engineering manager and Energy auditor