Vanya Marcia Duarte Pasa
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Vanya Marcia Duarte Pasa is a Chemical Engineer and Doctor in Chemistry (1996) from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). She has worked for ACESITA for 9 years and has worked for UFMG for 20 years. As an Associate Professor, she has developed processes for bio-oil valorization (carbon fi bers, biocoatings, bioesins & nanostructures) and biofuel production (biodiesel, green diesel and biokerosene). She is the Coordinator of UFMG’s Fuel Laboratory and has large experience in fuel quality control and fuel certifi cation, working in partnership with ACESITA, Petrobrás, ANP, Boeing, Rima S/A, Granbio, UNESCO, GTZ-German Agency. She has several patents and dozens of published papers.
Abstract : Biokerosene and green diesel from macauba oils via catalytic deoxygenation over Pd/C