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Yogesh C. Sharma

Yogesh C. Sharma

Indian Institute of Technology(BHU) Varanasi


Prof. Yogesh C. Sharma comleted his Ph.D. (Applied Chemistry) in 1991 from Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in 2010. He has published important articles in the area of Biodiesel synthesis and characterization and has seceral highly cited articles to his credit. He has ~ 5000 SCOPUS citations and an h index of 40. He was elected as Fellow, Royal Societyu of Chemistry (FRSC,UK) in 2014 and as Fellow, Biotech. Research Society of India (FBRS). He is editorial board member of several reputed journals and has authored sevaral books.

Research Interest

He has published important articles in the area of Biodiesel synthesis and characterization and has seceral highly cited articles to his credit.