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Octavio armas Vergel

Octavio armas Vergel

University of Castilla La Mancha


Prof. Octavio Armas graduated as a mechanical engineer at the University of Railway Transport in Moscow, Russia in 1983. From 1985 to 1995 he worked as assistant professor at the Polytechnic University of Havana, Cuba. In 1998 he finished his doctoral thesis at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) under the supervision of Prof. Francisco Payri at the CMT Motores Térmicos Institute. Currently Prof. Armas works as full professor in thermal machines at the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) at Toledo city (Spain). Likewise, Prof. Armas is the director of both the Research Group in Energy and Environmental processes (GPEM, and the Institute in research applied to the Aeronautical Industry. Also, he is the coordinator of the Doctoral Program of Sciences and Technologies applied to Industrial Engineering at the UCLM. Prof. Armas, with h index 22, has written more than 75 journal publications registered in Scopus, related to diesel engine operation and efficiency, biofuels, combustion process, pollutant emissions, etc.

Research Interest

Prof. Armas, with index 22, has written more than 75 journal publications registered in Scopus, related to diesel engine operation and efficiency, biofuels, combustion process, pollutant emissions, etc.