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Samira Lotfi

Samira Lotfi

National Research Council Canada, Canada

Title: Biomasss tar removal using wet packed-bed scrubber


Biography: Samira Lotfi



One of the main barriers to the commercialization of small-scale, biomass gasification combined heat and power (CHP) technology is lack of cost-effective tar removal from the syngas. During gasification, a wide spectrum of aromatic hydrocarbons containing single to multiple ring aromatics, referred to as tar, are formed. Tar is problematic because it can condense in process piping, plug filters and form damaging deposits inside engines using tar containing syngas. In order to remove these tar components, we propose to build and evaluate a wet packed-bed scrubber using woodchips as a packing material and waste cooking oil as a scrubbing media. The study will evaluate the influence of the effect of oil/gas ratio, oil temperature and replacing part of woodchips with fine woodchips as a packing media on tar model compound removal from gas.