Gerrit Brem
University of Twente
The Netherlands
Since 2000 Gerrit Brem is a professor in Energy Technology and chair of the Thermal and Fluid Engineering department at the University of Twente (NL). He is an expert in the field of thermal conversion processes. In his previous job he was a senior scientist/consultant at TNO and in 2009 appointed by TNO as a Senior Research Fellow. He has carried out a large number of commercial research and development projects for national and international clients. He has developed new advanced conversion technologies and demonstrated in practice. Since 2011 he is Scientific Director of the PDEng programme (Professional Doctorate in Engineering) on Energy and Process Technology. The PDeng programme is a two years post-Master designer programme at the University of Twente. Since 2015 he is Scientific Director of the new research Institute of Engineering of the University of Twente.
Research Interest
Thermal and Fluid Engineering, Thermal conversion processes