![Mirella ELKADI](https://d2cax41o7ahm5l.cloudfront.net/cs/speaker-photo/biofuels-bioenergy-europe-2017-Mirella-ELKADI-57837-5818.jpg)
Mirella ELKADI
The Petroleum Institute Campus, UAE
Title: Speciation study of bioethanol from dates (HPLC-ICP-MS) linked to molecular sieve and sodium borohydride treatment
Biography: Mirella ELKADI
The prospect of producing bioethanol from biomass available locally is in the interest of widespread sustainable growth and development. The novelty of our study focused on maximising the recovery and purity of bioethanol from dates by subjecting the process to specialised treatment for removal of water and toxic species. Bioethanol production from dates of the Fard and Khalas cultivars is relatively unexplored, and was achieved by adopting standard protocol of thermal sugar extraction followed by fermentation and distillation. Water de-contamination of the product utilising molecular sieve treatment led to enhanced purity of bioethanol (98%). Co-treatment with sodium borohydride resulted in reduced levels of toxic species Cr3+, Cr6+ and As3+ by about 20%. The speciation study was conducted using hybrid liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). A built-in dynamic reaction cell facilitated detection of the species of interest. Elemental profiling of bioethanol samples employing standard ICP-MS demonstrated that the levels of trace elements were higher in general for the Fard dates. Our research is significant from the perspective of deploying surplus dates for biofuel production to obviate competition for arable land. The study could make a useful contribution to ongoing research associated with climate change.
Recent Publications:
- Mirella Elkadi, Afrah Khamis, Avin Pillay, Nannan Li, Sasi Stephen Factors affecting organic yield, reaction mechanisms and elemental toxicity (ICP-MS) of bioethanol derivative from dates (fard/khalas cultivars) and century plant (Agave americana). International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-6, Issue-2, October 2016.
- Avin Pillay, Nannan Li, Mirella Elkadi, Abhijeet Raj and Afrah Khamis Alamri "Bioethanol from greywater dates to fuel desalination plants" Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 3751-3753, February 2016. Online ISSN: 1920-3853; Print ISSN: 1715-9997
- N. Li, A.E. Pillay, M. Elkadi and S. Stephen “Characterization of Trace Toxic Chemical Species: [Cr3+/Cr6+] and [As3+/As5+] In Alternative Fuel and Isolated By-Products Using HPLC-ICP-MS” International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS) vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 44-50, June 2015
- N. Li, M. Elkadi, A.E. Pillay and S. Stephen “Catalytic Modification in Biofuel Transesterification to Control Reaction Yield and Metal Retention–A Study by Hyphenated Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry” International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 54-58, May 2015.
- M. Elkadi, A. E. Pillay , J. Manuel, M. Z. Khan, S. Stephen and A. Molki , “Sustainability study on heavy metal uptake in neem biodiesel using selective catalytic preparation and hyphenated mass spectrometry”, Sustainability, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 2413-2423, 2014.